Dr. Hebatallah Alfarargy
Contact Information
+966 920 004 477Mouwasat Hospital Dammam
Cases to be seen:
- Master of ophthalmology Menoufia university Basic science, optics & refraction and clinical Ophthalmology ICO
- Member of the the Egyptian society of ophthalmology (EOS)
- Member of the the Delta society of ophthalmology (DOSE)
- Member of the Egyptian society for the Glaucoma ICO ( International council of ophthalmology
Cases to be seen:
- Preoperative assessment and postoperative follow up and management of complications
- Ophthalmic emergencies
- Full ophthalmic examination using slit lamp biomicroscopy, direct indirect ophthalmoscopy
- Performing investigation including pentacam, ocular ultrasound and biometry , fundus photography , Oct
- Minor procedures , chalazion excision , F.B removal, pterygium , removal of PTDs
- Laser procedures including , trans PRK , Yag capsulotomy , Yag p.iridotomy
- Assessment in major surgeries
- Management of refractive errors, glasses and contact lens prescription, Corneal disease, dry eye, external eye diseases , lid disease and inflammations, cataract, glaucoma, uveitis, diabetic eye diseases, neuroophthalmolgy, pediatric eye diseases