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Dr. Shima Salah Ismail

Dr. Shima Salah Ismail

Senior Specialist


Contact Information

+966 920 004 477

Mouwasat Hospital Riyadh


  • MBSS.
  • Doctorate degree in dermatology from Sudan specilization board
  • Member of the Sudanese association of dermatology 
  • Senior registar in SCFHS
  • Sudan Speaciliantion Board.

Cases to be seen:

  • General dermatology disorder ( eczema,urticaria,pruritus, hair loss ,alopecia areta,acne,psoriases and vitiligo)
  • Fungal and viral skin infection, herpes simplex,herpes zoster
  • Wart infection
  • Sexually transmited disease 
  • Laser therapy
  • Photo therapy 
  • Cryo therapy , electric cautery 
  • Mesotherapy,PRP
  • Filler injection
  • Botox injection
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