Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Abdel Mordy
Contact Information
+966 920 004 477Mouwasat Hospital Dammam
Cases to be seen:
Management of cases suffering from:
- Bachelor of medicine and surgery MBBCH - Ain Shams University
- Fellow in international council of ophthalmology FICO
- Master degree in ophthalmology - Ain Shams University
- Member of the Egyptian Ophthalmological society member EOSM
- Publisher in Delta journal of ophthalmology
Cases to be seen:
Management of cases suffering from:
- Cataract
- Ocular hypertension & glaucoma
- Keratoconus & refractive conditions through pentacam topographic maps
- Retinal diseases as: diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, age related macular degenerations & retinal vein occlusion
- Ocular surface diseases & dryness
- Uveitis in a stepwise workup, full coordination with autoimmune diseases department
- Lazy eye/Amblyopia
- Eye globe deviations
- Examination of pediatric diseases and strabismus